1,GS1 China membership license is issued to CNCCC with GS1 company prefix(GCP):697458368, this code used to create GS1 identification keys for Gtinmgln,Grai,Giai,Ginc,Gsin.This license remain valid until 21/06/2023.
2,CNCCC is named “grade A enterprise in 2020“ for our strong record by Chinese General Administration of Customs, we have won this honor for 12 straight years.
3,The new extrusion machinery has started running,it implys our factory has been running at 100% of design capacity.It is milestone in our development.
4,Solar panel system finally equipped in our new factory, this system supplies more than 6.5 million KWH/year clean energy to support production facility.
Post time:Jun-03-2019