OEM Silver Foil Curtain Supplier - 100% Blackout Thiab Thermal Insulated Curtain - CNCCCZJ
OEM Silver Foil Curtain Supplier - 100% Blackout Thiab Thermal Insulated Curtain - CNCCCZJDetail:
Kev piav qhia
Peb 100% lub teeb thaiv kab hlau rhuav yog tuab txaus los thaiv lub hnub ci. Cov chav tsaus nti no muab koj qhov chaw tsaus ntuj tiag tiag kom tsaug zog txawm tias lub hnub ci ci. Tiv thaiv koj tus kheej hauv tsev. Cov qauv tsim tshwj xeeb ntawm cov nyiaj grommet (1.6 nti puab txoj kab uas hla) tsim kom zoo nkauj rau koj lub tsev.
SIZE (cm) | Txuj | Dav | Ntxiv Dav | Ua siab ntev | |
A | Dav | 117 | 168 | 228 | ± 1 |
B | Ntev / Tso | *137/183/229 | *183/229 ib | * 229 | ± 1 |
C | Sab Hem | 2.5 [3.5 rau wadding ntaub nkaus xwb] | 2.5 [3.5 rau wadding ntaub nkaus xwb] | 2.5 [3.5 rau wadding ntaub nkaus xwb] | ± 0 |
D | Qab Hem | 5 | 5 | 5 | ± 0 |
E | Sau los ntawm Edge | 15 | 15 | 15 | ± 0 |
F | Eyelet Diameter (Qhib) | 4 | 4 | 4 | ± 0 |
G | Qhov deb mus rau 1st Eyelet | 4 [3.5 rau wadding ntaub nkaus xwb] | 4 [3.5 rau wadding ntaub nkaus xwb] | 4 [3.5 rau wadding ntaub nkaus xwb] | ± 0 |
H | Number of Eyelets | 8 | 10 | 12 | ± 0 |
I | Sab saum toj ntawm ntaub mus rau Sab saum toj ntawm Eyelet | 5 | 5 | 5 | ± 0 |
Hneev & Skew - kam rau ua +/- 1cm.* Cov no yog peb cov qauv dav thiab tee tiam sis lwm qhov ntau thiab tsawg yuav raug cog lus. |
Khoom siv: kho kom zoo nkauj sab hauv.
Scenes yuav siv tau: chav nyob, chav pw, chav zov me nyuam, chav ua haujlwm.
Khoom siv: 100% polyester.
Txheej txheem ntau lawm: triple weaving + printing + sewing + composite fabric.
Kev Tswj Xyuas Zoo: 100% kev kuaj xyuas ua ntej xa khoom xa tuaj, ITS tshuaj xyuas cov ntaub ntawv muaj.
Nruab siv: stalment video (txuas ntxiv).
Cov ntsiab lus tseem ceeb: 100% blackout curtain, blackout,, thermal khoom. niaj hnub, khoom kim heev, zam, tsim, kev zoo nkauj, romantic, niaj hnub, classic, abration-resistant, colorfastness, mos handfeeling, artful, elegant, virtuoso, craftsmanship, upmarket, superior zoo, ib puag ncig tus phooj ywg, azo-dawb, xoom emmision, sai sai , OEM txais, homewear, pannel, ntuj, sis tw nqi, UK, USD, GRS.
Cov khoom zoo: Cov ntaub thaiv kab hlau rhuav yog qhov muag heev. Dhau li ntawd, 100% lub teeb thaiv, thermal insulated, soundproof, Fade-resistant, zog-npaum. Xov trimmed thiab wrinkle-dawb.
Lub tuam txhab muaj zog zog: Kev txhawb nqa muaj zog ntawm cov tswv lag luam yog qhov lav rau kev ua haujlwm ruaj khov ntawm lub tuam txhab hauv 30 xyoo tsis ntev los no. Cov tswv lag luam CNOOC thiab SINOCHEM yog lub ntiaj teb 100 cov tuam txhab loj tshaj plaws, thiab lawv lub npe lag luam tau pom zoo los ntawm lub xeev.
Packing thiab shipping: 5 txheej txheem export thawv, IB POLYbag rau txhua yam khoom.
Kev xa khoom, qauv: 30-45 hnub rau kev xa khoom. SAMPLE muaj nyob rau hauv dawb.
Tom qab kev muag khoom thiab kev them nyiaj: T / T lossis L / C, txhua qhov kev thov cuam tshuam txog kev ua tau zoo tau raug lees paub hauv ib xyoos tom qab xa khoom.
Daim ntawv pov thawj: GRS daim ntawv pov thawj, OEKO-TEX.
Product details duab:

Yam khoom Guide:
Peb ua raws li peb lub tuam txhab tus ntsuj plig ntawm "Quality, Performance, Innovation and Integrity". Peb lub hom phiaj los tsim ntau tus nqi rau peb cov kev cia siab nrog peb cov khoom siv nplua nuj, kev siv tshuab tshiab, cov neeg ua haujlwm paub txog thiab cov khoom lag luam zoo thiab cov kev pabcuam rau OEM Silver Foil Curtain Supplier - 100% Blackout Thiab Thermal Insulated Curtain - CNCCCZJ, Cov khoom yuav muab rau thoob plaws lub ntiaj teb no, xws li: Miami, Qaib ntxhw, San Diego, Ua hauj lwm nrog ib tug zoo heev khoom chaw tsim tshuaj paus, peb lub tuam txhab yog koj xaiv zoo tshaj plaws. Zoo siab txais tos koj thiab qhib cov ciam teb ntawm kev sib txuas lus. Peb yog tus khub zoo tshaj plaws ntawm koj txoj kev txhim kho kev lag luam thiab tos ntsoov rau koj txoj kev koom tes nrog kev koom tes.